Adyant Health



Self-Marma Chikitsa Programme

Duration: 2 Days, 6 Hours

Mode: Online, Offline

Self-Marma-Therapy for Children and Adolescents

Duration: 2 Days, 6 Hours

Mode: Online, Offline

LEVEL1: Marma Chikitsa Foundation Programme

Duration: 6 Days, 12 Hours

Mode: Offline

Self-Marma Chikitsa Programme

Duration: 2 Days, 6 Hours

Mode: Online, Offline

Participation level: Inquisitive individuals seeking to improve quality of life.

Objective: This is an experiential programme designed to help the participants strike a balance in everyday life. Modern lifestyle is recipe for ailments, where digestive issues, aches and pains are common occurrences. However, common is not normal, and it’s essential to aid the body and mind to strike a balance, in order to improve the quality of life. With special emphasis on self-maintenance and balancing of vital body functions and emotional wellbeing, this programme comprises of the following salient features:

  • Identification of important marma sthalas (points) essential of wellbeing
  • Hands-on experience of the stimulatory aspects of Marma sthalas 
  • Necessary precautions and essential guidelines for practicing self-marma chikitsa.

Self-Marma-Therapy for Children and Adolescents

Duration: 2 Days, 6 Hours

Mode: Online, Offline

Participation level: Inquisitive individuals seeking to improve quality of life.


LEVEL1: Marma Chikitsa Foundation Programme

Duration: 6 Days, 12 Hours

Mode: Offline

Participation level: Practicing professionals of various traditional health systems

Education requirement: Graduation in any domain

Objective: This is a foundation programme that seeks to introduce the traditional system of Marma chikitsa as system of healing. This is a completely experiential programme designed to develop an understanding of basic principles of Marma and its anatomical and physiological correlations. This includes basic understanding of principles of Ayurveda and methods to formulate protocols based upon various physiological conditions.

  • Foundation knowledge of Marma sthalas and their location
    • Marma sthalas as distribution systems of prana (the vital force)
    • Basic stimulation techniques and necessary precautions
    • Medicated oils and Marma
  • Introduction to Doshas and Vayus and basic principles of Ayurveda
    • Introduction to Panchmahabhootas.
    • Introduction of 5 vayus, energetic influences and modern physiological functions
    • Effects of vitiated doshas upon the mind and the body
    • Identification of the symptoms of vitiated doshas
  • Preliminary ayurvedic diagnosis based upon symptoms
    • Understanding the 6 stages of diseases and Marma treatment feasibility assessment
    • Emotional and Psychological correlations of Doshas and effects of Marma stimulation.
    • How to balance non-clinical states of emotional imbalances.
  • Selection of Marma sthalas and formation of protocols

LEVEL 2: Marma Chikitsa Core

Duration: 3 days, 9 hours

Mode: Offline

Participation level: Inquisitive individuals keen to go beyond physical healing

Education requirements: Marma Chikitsa Foundation Programme

Objective: Life is a culmination of Sharir (body), Indriya (senses), Mann (mind) and Aatma (soul), this phenomenon, when experienced, is acknowledged as life. Healing therefore, is essential not just at the level of the body, but also the mind that seeks to be unclogged, and nurtured. It is the mind, that perceives the world through senses, and the thoughts define the nature of perception. Marma stimulation directly influence the functions of the mind and the body. Here, we will go into the dynamics of how to strike a balance, unify the thoughts and their nature, so life within us is nurtured beyond the physical. This level is essentially for the ones keen to explore the spiritual dimension of life. Marma, is a system that can be the point of initiation into our spiritual journey, and like Yoga, it’s a system of maintenance, sustenance, and self-exploration. An exciting journey of vivid experiences await you!

  • Introduction to the Nadi system.
  • How to balance the Nadis and observe its effects.
  • How to experience Ekāgra (single-mind).
  • How to experience detachment from Indriya (senses).